What to do if you know you have diabetes?
The International Diabetes Foundation says the number of diabetics in Bangladesh is about one million. But 5 percent of those infected do not know that they have diabetes.
Congress has organized a 'Diabetes Fair' in Dhaka today to increase the capacity of affected patients by teaching them various ways to prevent and control diabetes.
The chief coordinator of the functioning council of the fair said. Fazle Rabbi Khan says once diabetes is infected it cannot be cured completely. It is not such a disease. But it can be controlled. And by living a normal life can be controlled.
What to do if you find out that you have been attacked?
That is why Dr. Md. Fazle Rabbi Khan.
Awareness about food
How much food is safe for the infected person to understand. Separate food needs to be provided for the affected person. But they have to be balanced. The people of Bangladesh do not understand the amount of food. Dr. Khan said that it was not in the practice of the people of Bangladesh.
Doctors say that controlling the disease can lead to a long healthy life.
You have to work hard
Just play it and sit it down but it won't work. Must work physically. It can be any kind of physical work. One to five minutes a day should do some kind of physical work. The easiest thing to do is to walk.
You can eat sweets too
One idea, in general, is that diabetes cannot be eaten sweet. Doctors say the idea is wrong. But it must be modest. One kilogram will not be consumed in one sitting. And remember, glucose is sweet. Think about it, but there it is. There are many other foods.
However, the problem is the amount of glucose in the sweet. Sweets can be eaten but in small quantities. If you can control diabetes, then eating will be okay.
Lifestyle changes
What you eat and how hard you work are all part of your lifestyle. From getting up in the morning to going to bed in the morning, how much work you need to do, what kind of healthy food to eat, how much to eat, how often to eat, to whom you need some food, etc. are all part of it. Bodyweight should be kept low.
Use of medications
If the blood sugar levels are high even after adhering to the above, then you must give your doctor and take his prescribed medication.
Hereditary factors
Suppose someone in your family had diabetes before. The risk of diabetes is high due to heredity. But there is no reason to think that will mean no one else.
Another disease caused by diabetes
Diabetes increases the risk of kidney disease, eye disease, heart problems, and stress. Without controlling diabetes, these organs can cause serious damage. It can cause major heart problems or blindness.
Knowing the information
Doctors find the method of controlling diabetes very easy. Information is also readily available. Doctors are advised to know them. Because a lot of things seem simple when it comes to information.
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